Verify Request: Did Daniel Martinez really have to work the night of the debate?


  Several people have written to us inquiring about whether Daniel Martinez and Daniel Dronberger really had to work the night of the debate, plus where was Adam Krol?

This is just 1 of the inquiries from a person who wished to remain anonymous: Rumor has it that Daniel Martinez works for HEB mostly morning shifts and can make his own schedule when it comes to evening shifts as long as he does one evening shift in a month, Daniel Martinez on social media said he “had” to work. Can it be confirmed that Daniel Martinez in fact was not “forced” to work and could not make the debate event so he would not have to answer public questions etc.?

In order to verify if Daniel Martinez was working the night of the debate, 2 calls were made to his employer – HEB at the specific store where he works.

1.) A call was made to the HEB where Daniel Martinez works. The call was made during the break time of the debate. The call went like this:
When the person at HEB answered the call, the person calling said: ” I need to speak to someone in the meat department, no better yet may I speak to Daniel Martinez.”
The HEB employee answered: Daniel only works during the day but I can transfer you. But nobody is at the meat department at this time.

2.) To confirm whether Daniel Martinez really didn’t work, nor had to work the night of the debate, we made a second call in the afternoon of the next day. The caller explained “just trying to verify whether Daniel Martinez worked the evening of April 19 around 6:30 in the evening. Initially, the person said no, he only works in the AM. When asked for sure that there was no way Daniel worked the evening of April 19, the person said to hold on and would check the schedule. When the employee came back on the telephone line, to the employee’s surprise, Daniel was on the schedule to work 10-8 the night of April 19. The employee was very shocked because “he never works night” The employee then explained that every dept. manager has to work an evening shift once a month and apparently this was the night Daniel chose to work late. The caller then asked the employee: Are you are sure that Daniel’s boss made him work late the night of April 19. The employee answered: “oh no Daniel is a manager so he chooses his own hours. His boss doesn’t set Daniel’s schedule”. The employee said 2 different times that Daniel chooses his own schedule and no one made him choose work that particular night!

SO TO VERIFY THE QUESTIONS: We have been able to preliminarily ascertain that at the very minimum he was not required by his boss to work that night. However, with the 1st employee strongly stating Daniel does not work nights & was not there at the time of the call; and then the 2nd employee stated that same thing initially, until checking the schedule, it is possible Daniel did not work at all that night, but we can not say so emphatically. You be the judge as to whether he chose to work, so he could say he was working and not have to participate in the debate, or did he not work at all!